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EMTEK兆欣科技股份有限公司成立于2003年,致力于开发和量产全自动、小型化之SMD绕线电感,主力产品为共模滤波器、高频芯片电感以及薄型功率电感。针对消费性及携带型电子产品,譬如手机、无线网卡、GPS以及USB/HDMI接口高频滤波等,提供客户高质量但合理产品价格之服务。目前公司员工约为140人, 产品均以高自动化制程在台湾生产,以别于一般大陆手工制程。故在质量、弹性、速度及服务上, 更能满足客户日益严苛及多样化的需求。
EMTEK兆欣科技现有之共模滤波器(EMC COMMON MODE CHOKE)多应用于市场USB2.0等高速界面传输,并自行开发高阶产品以应用在HDMI之高端视听设备。针对USB3.0之市场趋势,EMTEK兆欣科技预计近期将导入相关对应产品;在RF讯号用电感(SIGNAL LINE CHIP INDUCTOR)方面,EMTEK兆欣科技之高阶制程产品在网通以及手机客户已普遍应用,此部分虽然各公司产品特性有所差异,造成客户端RF线路调整上之复杂的阻抗匹配问题,但EMTEK兆欣以技术营销的角度,为客户提供相关FAE及报告建议,以解决业界困难的高频替代方案。
另外全自动薄型功率电感(TINY & LOW PROFILE POWER INDUCTOR)更是EMTEK兆欣科技之代表性产品,一般手工良率低的3*3及4*4mm产品已领先业界量产三年,目前1.0mm高度更小型化的产品,已量产的有201610、252010、以及3010系列。其中20、25系列更为本土电感厂之先驱,此类产品开发及上市时间更领先国内业界并和现今日系电感大厂同类产品特性互有领先。 在益发讲究节能省电以及绿色环保的潮流下,EMTEK兆欣科技尤其着重于小型化电源模块之功率电感开发,以协助系统产品达到小型化、省电节能之目的。

EMTEK Co., LTD Taiwan launched and mass production the several kinds of tiny SMD power inductors/RF inductors and common mode choke to meet the portable /wireless device needs . The mobile devices applied EMTEK components with the characteristic of low profile, low Rdc, and high current handling capacities.  The magnetically shielded structure that ensures the high-density mounting configurations with flat bottom surface ensure secure and reliable mounting.

In the new generation of wireless mini PCI and multifunctional mobile devices, EMTEK has the more advanced inductors with excellent function to achieve the higher power conversion efficiency.  The PIN2510 has lunched and mass production for over one years with 2.5*2.5*1.0mm and outstanding IDC/ Irms to resolve power management issues of the new applications need, such as GPS, mobile phone, blue tooth, USB power device, and so on.  The related combo including LCD series as well as PIN2010 is your best solution for the needs of downsizing and thinning mobile devices nowadays. 

EMTEK R&D and production team has applying its great experience tobalance the trade-off between size and efficiency in tiny wire wound power inductor, RF inductor and common mode choke for related  IC’s needs of the wireless/portable systems at present.  Lower profile, lower loss and higher Current in Compact Size is the design guide of our R&D principles to design such inductors which made by unique automatic process.  The present qualified product lines of tiny SMD power /RF inductor combo to fit customer needs of tiny electronic systems are proving what we are doing is not only the right things but also the contribution to save the energy for our children.
Emtek’s experienced technology and operation team, with its active, positive, responsible spirit in conjunction with first-class quality control, manufacturing and R&D equipment to supply domestic and overseas customers.  We are well prepared to face the industry generation change and ever-competing market trend of lighter, thinner, shorter and tinier.

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